Curriculum Vitaeenglish version
30.10.1945 in Sulzbach/Saar

27.2.1964 Gymnasium Wendalinum in St. Wendel/Saar

1964 -1969: 10 Semester Medizin an der Universität des Saarlandes in Homburg, 1966 (WS) 1 Semester an der Universität Innsbruck

5.12.1969 in Homburg/Saar


13.4.1972 Medizinische Fakultät der Universität des Saarlandes, Universitätsklinik für Hals- Nasen-Ohrenerkrankungen, Homburg/Saar

4.3.1977 Arzt für Neurochirurgie

27.10.1983 "Intraoperative Dopplersonographie in der neurovaskulären Chirurgie" Neurochirurgische Universitätsklinik Freiburg i. Br.

Professur (C2)
3.9.1984 Berufung auf eine Professur auf Dauer (leitender Oberarzt) an der Abteilung Allgemeine Neurochirurgie der Universitätsklinik Freiburg

Professur (C4)
2.9.1988 Ruf auf die Professur für Neurochirurgie am Universitätsklinikum der RWTH Aachen
13.5.1989 Rufannahme, am 1.8.1989 Arbeitsantritt

15.12.1994 Ruf auf die Professur Neurochirurgie an der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover, Rufablehnung am 5.6.1995

Seit dem 1.1.2010 in einem aktiven Ruhestand mit beratender und konsiliarärztlicher operativer Tätigkeit außerhalb des Universitätsklinikums der RWTH Aachen

Joachim Michael Kaspar Gilsbach, MD

Date of birth

1945-10-30 in Sulzbach/Saar (at that time French occupied zone of Germany)

Medical education

1964 -1969: Medical School, Saarland University, Germany and Innsbruck University, Austria

Medical exam

1969-12-5 in Medical Faculty, Saarland University, Homburg/Saar, Germany


Promotion (MD)
1972-4-13 Medical Faculty, Saarland University, Germany

Medical training

1971-3-31 until 12-31
Neurology and psychiatry, Private Hospital for psychiatric diseases, Dr. Landerer & Söhne, Chri­stophsbad, Göp­pingen, Germany
1972-1-1 until 3-31
military service as medical doctor (Stabsarzt)

1972-4-1 until 1976-1-31
Neurosurgery at the Neurosurgical Department, Medical Faculty, Gießen University, Germany, Head and professor: Prof. Dr. Dr. hc. H. W. Pia

1976-2-1 until 1977-8-17
Neurosurgery at the Department of General Neurosurgery, Medical Faculty, Freiburg University, Head and professor Prof. Dr. W. Seeger

Board certification
1977-3-4 Neurosurgeon

Consultant ("Oberarzt")
1977-8-18 until 1989-7-31 Department of General Neurosurgery, Medical Faculty, Freiburg University

1983-10-27 „Intraoperative Doppler sonography in neurovascular surgery“. Neuro­surgical Department, Medical School, Freiburg University, Germany

Professorship (C2)
1984-9-3 until 1989-7-31 Assistant Professor, Department of General Neurosurgery, Medical Faculty, Freiburg University, Germany

Professorship (C4)
from 1989-8-1 until 2009-12-31 Professor and head of the Department of Neurosurgery, Medical Faculty, Aachen University of Technology

Special interests
"Function preserving Neurosurgery": neurovascular, skull base, neuronavigation, minimally invasive procedures

275 articles in peer reviewed journals as co-author and author

Functions in the past

Chairman of the committee for education and training of the German Society of Neurosurgery,
speaker of the interdisciplinary research centre "Central nervous system" in Aachen, Medical Faculty,
chairman of the local cancer registry

married with an anaesthesiologist, one daughter,

golf, sailing, Neurosurgery
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Prof. Dr. med. Joachim M. Gilsbach - medconsult & Privatpraxis